
NYPD’s Twitter campaign disaster spreads to LAPD

The NYPD’s comically disastrous attempt to create good will on Twitter turned into a coast-to-coast epic fail Wednesday.

Cop haters from New York to Chicago to Los Angeles all took to the popular social media site to bash their local police departments after reading about the online backlash New York’s Finest faced after the department naively invited people to post pictures of interactions with friendly cops on the Web.

“Lets help launch #myLAPD Thanks for the idea #nypd #myNYPD #LAPD,” wrote Gregory O’Bannon. “LAPD shot dead small 54-year-old homeless person Margaret Mitchell on 4th and La Brea. She was “armed” with a screwdriver,” tweeted Miracle Mile, using the hashtags #lapd and #mylapd.

“Just because #myLADP carries pepper-spray, doesn’t mean they USE pepper-spray…baton beatings are free, spray isn’t” tweeted Rudy Bucher in another shot at LA cops.

Oakland residents also weighed in using the hashtag #myOPD. “#myOPD planted evidence, routinely stopped and sexually assaulted women, and fired the whistleblower,” fumed a poster named elle.